Patrick Brito Attorney

Patrick Brito Attorney


Possessing most controlled substances is a felony. The common exception now is marijuana for personal use which is a misdemeanor. All drug charges are serious offenses and can result in a prison sentence. Even possession can be a serious offense. The amount possessed or presence of distribution effects, such as scales or common packaging materials, (like bindles) can result in the more serious charge of possession with intent to distribute or trafficking. The police commonly use undercover agents and confidential informants to investigate drug matters.

These investigations can take long periods of time and are painstakingly documented. Care should be taken to assure that any omissions or missteps by law enforcement are discovered and any rights of the accused are protected. There must be proper warrants for searches or specific exceptions in limited circumstances. Often individuals allow searches of cars or houses when they do not know that they can and should refuse permission. If law enforcement has justification for a warrant, they should obtain one.

If you are looking at drug charges you should call an attorney at once. You should not discuss anything with law enforcement.

Call 984-1950 for free confidential phone consultation.

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